Jaw Release (TMD/ TMJ Treatment)

 De-stress head, jaws & face muscles

 What is TMD or TMJ?

Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) occur when your TMs aren’t working properly.

TMJ or TMD involves the temporomandibular (TM) joints, which are located on each side of your head. These joints work with your muscles, ligaments, discs and bones, enabling you to speak, chew and yawn.

Although some chronic cases of TMD require surgery, practice showed people experience frustration with conventional treatment, but are often satisfied with complementary and alternative medicine treatments, especially massage therapy.

The TMD treatment is a deep tissue face, head, neck and shoulder massage. It helps in releasing the soreness in the muscles and stiffness in the joints related to the disorder. It reduces headaches, pain and stiffness in the neck and shoulders. Reducing tension in the jaws, grinding or clenching the teeth. This helps increasing range of motion, and thus reduces pain among chewing, yawning and eating solid food. It helps cure sinusitis and It can also enhance eyesight and hearing.

Circulation will be enhanced, enhancing the activity of the senses. Many people even notice increase in their breathing, hearing and seeing abilities. It reduces chance of sinus infections. Allowing more blood to flow to and from the brain, the TMD treatment helps the patient to be more focused, sharp. It enhances the memory, boosts the mood and rejuvenates the muscles of the face and neck.

During this treatment you will also learn about the disorder, the habits and exercises required to help eliminate the disorder and it’s symptoms.

How to check and sense this tension?

Take a deep breath and come with your finger tips tracing your jaws reaching towards your (TM) joints, located closer to the ears. Continue moving your finger tips with medium pressure towards temples and around the ears. How does it feel?

Take another deep breath and a moment to feel these muscles/ joints. Notice if you are holding any tension there!


Duration and cost:

  •  TMD/TMJ treatment, 60 min: €80
  • TMD/TMJ self-care , 60 min: €75